E-scooters Rental

Discover the scheldeland on our environmentally friendly and silent electric scooters. Class A scooters, with a maximum speed of 25 km/h, all cycle paths and towpaths along the Scheldt and Dender are accessible. 
Electric scooters with a range of 100 km or 200 km (with an extra battery).

Half day 4-5 hours

1 person / E-scooter 50€

2 persons / E-scooter 55 €

Prices include GPS, full battery, helmet and third-party insurance.

1 day 7-8 hours

1 person / E-scooter 75€

2 persons / E-scooter 85 €

Prices include GPS, full battery, helmet and third-party insurance.

Would you like to book an E-scooter: info@abalona.be / 0474/513823

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